- January 30, 2017 Power to the People: Bringing Drones to Power Line Stringing Projects EverywhereUndeveloped countries are rushing to deliver power to all of their citizens – and with it the economic...
- December 20, 2016 Eight Reasons Why Chinese Drone Manufacturers Are Dominating the IndustryAs a follow-up to a recent trip to MMC’s new production and offices in Boa’an Shenzhen China, I wanted...
- September 30, 2016 MMC Power Line String and Inspection Service is Spreading GloballyAfter several successful Indonesia power line string and inspection programs, MMC received a huge proposal from State Grid Power...
- July 30, 2016 MMC Drone is Seeking Her New Stage in Oil Pipeline Inspection FieldA Peru sophisticated aviation service supplier has inspected MMC for the cooperation of drone service in an oil...